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middle age 中年,壯年〔約35-55歲間或40-60歲間〕。

middle aged

In the west , this is often associated with a middle age crisis 在西方,這通常與中年期轉折點有關。

European urban systems and their legal significance in middle ages 中世紀歐洲城市制度及其法律意義

Changing one ' s career at middle age is a serious decision to make 中年改變職業是個很嚴肅的決定。

A probe into arabic historiography in middle ages and its features 中世紀的阿拉伯史學及其特點初探

The christian documents ' culture sides in middle ages of europe 歐洲中世紀基督教文獻的文化指向

It has its roots deep in the middle ages 它起源于遙遠的中世紀。

Comment on the european black death in the middle ages 中世紀歐洲鼠疫及其對當時社會經濟的影響

Research on european cities in middle ages 中世紀歐洲城市研究概覽

The show was originally designed for the middle aged people 這個節目本來是是為中年人設計的

Oliver : do you have the waning of the middle age 奧利弗:你們有沒有《中世紀的衰亡》這本書?

In the middle ages , philosophy and theology were inextricable 在中世紀,哲學與神學是不分的

Companions for middle ages and old men ’ s nurses 老年時,妻子是護士

She has a figure that belies her middle age 她的身材掩藏了她的年紀。

Delving into history : women of the middle ages 挖掘歷史中世紀的婦女們

24 . cities in the middle ages and changes in farming villages 24 .中世紀的都市和農村的變化

Farmer revolutionary ' characteristics of middle ages in europe 中世紀歐洲農民起義特點淺議

Yes , hard to believe , i ' m in my forties . middle age 是的,很難相信我已到四十了。中年了。

Chapter 3 japan in the middle ages and the world 第3章中世紀的日本與世界

German national self - consciousness of in the middle ages 中世紀德意志人的民族自我意識